Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Most frequently asked questions regarding scholarships, fellowships and funding opportunities for students and faculty.
Can permanent residents or non-U.S. citizens apply for scholarships and fellowships?
No, our program only accepts applications from U.S. citizens as it is funded through NASA and complies with NASA requirements.
Can an undergraduate student that will join a graduate program the following semester apply for the Graduate Research Scholarship?
Yes, if the funding period applies to the semester when the student is entering the graduate program. The student must be a full-time graduate student and will be required to have a research topic and a faculty mentor to apply for the Graduate Research Scholarship.
I have not had an opportunity to complete the 10 hours of public service, can you waive this requirement?
No, scholars are required to complete up to 10 hours of public service as part of their scholarship. This includes volunteering at NMSGC-sponsored events or a legitimate public service program. If you have trouble finding a volunteering opportunity, reach out to our office and we will help you find one. Contact nmsgc@nmsu.edu
How long do scholarship/fellowship last?
It depends on the type of scholarships. Some scholarship funding is only given for one semester, others are limited to a total of four semesters. Please contact nmsgc@nmsu.edu for more details.